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September 07, 2024
Soliciting Cost Savings Ideas from Leaders and Members
Posted On: Sep 03, 2010

From: Tim Woolery []
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 12:36 PM
To: Amber Grant ; Andre Dunn; Artz Russell; 'Balzer Brian J'; 'Burger Brian K'; 'Campbell Scott P'; Chandler Tim; Clark Ryan E; Cooley Rob D; Dwayne Skinner;; Gallino James D; 'Hampton Vern'; Herron John R; Jason Weyand; Karlos Brown; Knight Dennis B; Majuri Kate H;; Michael Dehner; Miller Bob C; Patrick Wiebelhaus; Rasmussen Amanda L; Roger Bouch; Roger Singleton;; Tilman Greg L; Wanous Anton J; 'Ware, Roger';; Bill Jewell; Bryant-Kaae Cathy F; Casper Carissa; Culp Ken B; Daniel Bielenberg; 'Evans Mark K'; Hilberg Janice K; Hunter, Dusti; Hust Lynn A; John Marshall; Johnson Brenda J; 'Judy Rocque'; Mary Freelove; 'Petterson Scott'; Ray Tami M; Robert Hillmick; Ron Thompson; Sam Nagy; Tami Jarnport; Thompson, Ron (; Warren Lyons; Warren Lyons home; 'Watts Julie'
Cc: 'Mary Botkin'; ''; 'Greg Schneider'
Subject: Upcoming meeting about budget & opportunity to suggest cuts etc
Importance: High


I need something from all of you without much time to respond.


Everyone should know by now that an additional 377 million shortfall has been forecasted in General Fund revenues under what was budgeted for 2009-2011. This is on top of the 577 million that was already reduced from the budget a couple months ago so we are close to a billion short on a budget that was already significantly reduced from the levels that it should have been to maintain the service levels of the 2007-2009 budget. The Director and his staff have done extremely well at responsibly planning and administering their budget and weathering this storm without undue or significant impact to the operation and/or staff reductions.  It is partly because they have done so well that I am somewhat concerned with the ability to continue to be so successful. Most of the low hanging fruit has almost certainly already been harvested.


It remains to be seen what exactly this means to the Department of Corrections piece of the budget and plans and numbers are being crunched as we speak to determine what proposals are to be sent to the Governor who reportedly requested an additional approximate 8% across the board cuts from all Agencies. There should be no question among any of us that this continues to be or is becoming a more serious or dire budget problem than ever before and certainly in my 25 year history.  In the midst of these challenging times and the occasional cry for additional financial concessions by public employees (mainly by republican candidates / public officials, the press and some in the community) Oregon AFSCME Council 75 has repeatedly risen to the defense of our members who have already borne significant sacrifices. We have waded into the rushing stream against us and jumped on each opportunity to set the record straight. We have also maintained the position that you all have directed which is that we are not willing to reopen the contracts.


In light of the latest revenue forecast and what it may portend, Ken Allen, Mary Botkin and I have engaged in discussions and arranged to meet with the Director and his executive staff to share information on the impact to the Department, its employees and explore options. This meeting has been scheduled for September 9th so as usual there is not much time but I need to reach out to you all to seek your input and guidance.  Every one of you and the members you represent work in the trenches of this Agency superbly performing the mission of the department on a daily basis despite any challenges. It is and has been my opinion that collectively there is a lot of experience and knowledge that should be sought simply by asking for your input and suggestions particularly on challenging situations like this that are facing us.  As your representative, I believe that our organization’s primary goal is the protection and betterment of the membership and that is always my focus. I would like each of you to be thoughtful and seek input from your constituents and fellow local leaders and report back to me as soon as possible regarding responsible and legitimate ideas to achieve savings that can stand up to scrutiny, be defended/justified and that in as much as possible make sense while attempting to maintain the safety & security of the Department and it’s mission.


Additionally, I would like you to pay particular attention to identify positions that do not provide direct service to inmates and the public and to programs that do not provide good evidence based outcomes. Often we have heard concerns expressed over the years with Span of Control or the perception / reality of the higher than needed number of management level staff. Undoubtedly, many of these positions are of value or needed in the organization but also undoubtedly some may be redundant or surplus to requirements. Now is your opportunity to carefully consider suggesting –in times as difficult as these – which ones might be able to be temporarily or permanently reduced and/or eliminated.  


Please respond /reply to this message so I can easily keep track of any suggestions that you all may have or forward on from your members.




Tim Woolery

Staff Representative

Oregon AFSCME Council 75

Salem Office

1400 Tandem Avenue NE

Salem, Oregon  97301

Office  503-370-2522 or 800-521-5954

Fax       503-370-7725

Cell      503-339-6855 or 866-661-0318



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