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September 07, 2024
AFSCME celebrates National Correctional Employees Week
Posted On: May 05, 2015

Oregon AFSCME is proud to join with Gov

Oregon AFSCME is proud to join with Gov. Kate Brown, AFSCME International President Lee Saunders and many others in saluting our Corrections members as this week (May 3-9) is National Correctional Employees Week.


Council 75 is the largest union of Corrections employees in Oregon, and nationwide, AFSCME represents 62,000 correctional officers and 23,000 other correctional employees, making it the largest union of Corrections employees in the U.S.


"On behalf of Oregon AFSCME and AFSCME International, I want to congratulate and salute all of our Corrections employees," said Allen, who also serves as an AFSCME International Vice President. "We are proud to represent you, both Security and Security Plus members, and recognize the difficult jobs you do."


Jeff Klatke, re-elected as Council 75 President last month, echoed Allen's sentiments.


"I just want to acknowledge our Corrections members and thank them for their service," said Klatke. "They do jobs many of us would never do, and they have the respect and appreciation of this Council."


Brown, the state's relatively new governor, celebrated her first NCEW as Oregon's chief executive with the following:


"Corrections and Youth Authority employees distinguish themselves daily by their professionalism in supervising adult and youth offenders, and in carrying out their agencies' missions, values and goals with enthusiasm and pride," said Brown in her proclamation on National Corrections Week (which is attached to this article). 


Council 75 Corrections Coordinator Tim Woolery adds perspective from his 18 years as Corrections Officer before joining the AFSCME staff.


"Those of us who have worked 'inside the walls' understand there's no letting down, that's it's truly 'Corrections Week' 52 weeks a year," said Woolery. "That said, it is nice to pause and reflect on the important work our members do, so I add my voice in saluting all of our AFSCME-represented DOC employees."



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