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September 07, 2024
News, thoughts and opinions from Council 75 Corrections Coordinator Tim Woolery
Oct 13, 2014
Please read the attached Newsletter which covers topics on the forethought AFSCME bargaining teams had in negotiating the December 2014 2% wage increase be moved forward if PEBB premium increases were less than budgeted. Resulted in member getting that wage increase THREE months EARLY.

Oct 13, 2014
June 2014 Newsletter dealing with Security Contract ratification and implementation of contract including several retroactive financial gains for most members.
June 2014 Security Newsletter.pdf

Oct 13, 2014
The attached newsletter for April 2014 covers several articles informing members on the recent Tentative Agreement that the AFSCME Security bargaining unit reached with the State of Oregon.
April 2014 Security Newsletter.pdf

Oct 13, 2014
March 2014 Newsletter.pdf

Oct 13, 2014
11-4-2013 PERS newsletter.pdf

Oct 13, 2014
10-2-2013 PERS Attack newsletter.pdf

Oct 13, 2014
8-9-2013 Bargaining newsletter.pdf

Sep 03, 2010

May 06, 2009

Page Last Updated: Oct 13, 2014 (11:34:30)
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